"Within weeks of implementation, analysis of data showed both new faults that we were unaware of and the extent of existing known problems to be much greater than previously thought. Armed with this information along with detailed insights around timings we were able to quickly identify and resolve these issues leading to a significant reduction in cleaning cycle times, further leading to a reduction in energy and chemical usage."
Stuart, Automation Engineer
"FactoryManager has been a great tool from a Technical perspective. The MIS logs all the production batches and the CIP cleans completed across the factory, it is invaluable when trying to investigate various issues. This has helped us identify the root cause of poor quality products by having a clear picture of exactly what was happening in the vessel at the time and being able to follow that up directly with the operators to ensure adherence to the method. The MIS also gives a running order of all production in one easy place, this came in useful during an investigation into plastic contamination in our system... FactoryManager made it clear exactly which order products ran in and exactly on which asset so could easily determine which were at risk of contamination.
During an incident where tomato had contaminated our milk line, the Event Log gave a clear list of exactly when milk had been dosed and into which asset so we were able to quarantine all affected products very quickly and prevented anything being despatched to the customer before we had chance to review it fully.
Before FactoryManager, the above examples would have been completed on paperwork, which may have been still in use in the factory, being processed in the office or already filed away. Now all the information sits in one central system which can be accessed from any PC on site or whilst at home, which means now our ability to respond to and investigate incidents has been improved on greatly."
Will, Technical Manager
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